Why is cow’s milk yellow? Why is it not white like buffalo milk? Here’s the reason

Why is cow’s milk yellow?  Why is it not white like buffalo milk?  Here’s the reason

Milk is considered a complete diet. That is why doctors also advise everyone to drink milk. Most people are asked to drink cow’s milk. Because cow’s milk has the ability to reduce the risk of cancer. Vitamin D is found in high amounts in it. Not only this, the Vitamin A found in it helps in improving eyesight. If you have problems like night blindness, spots in the white part of the eyes, then cow’s milk is considered very beneficial. But have you ever wondered why cow’s milk is not white? Why is there yellowness in it? Let us know the correct answer to this.

Not only buffalo and goat, the milk of most of the creatures that give birth to children is white. But cow’s milk is slightly yellowish. Fonterra scientists have explained the reason for this. He said that along with calcium, protein is also found in milk. Most of the milk is white because of this protein named ‘casein’. But cow’s milk contains a protein called carotene. Due to this, there is yellowness in cow’s milk.

Fodder also plays an important role
The degree of yellowness of milk also depends on the fodder given to the cow. Because plants do not contain Vitamin A. The reason for this is provitamin, which is called carotenoid. As soon as animals swallow them, they convert into vitamin A. Orange and yellow color comes to fruits and vegetables due to carotenoids. Green leafy vegetables also contain carotenoids. However, the green color of chlorophyll covers them. That is why they appear green. Otherwise their color would also have been yellow.

This is also the reason behind this
On the other hand, ‘casein’ protein found in white milk combines with calcium and phosphate to form small particles, which are called micelles. Apart from this, due to high fat content in milk, it is white. When light falls on the micelle, it gets refracted and scatters and the milk appears white.

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